Cosmetic Acupuncture is practice of promoting the radiant and youthful appearance of those who receive treatment Cosmetic Acupuncture incorporates the entire spectrum of acupuncture. It balances the appearance of face and problem areas, along with the internal health and balance of body. You will enjoy state of abundant health, and your outward appearance will reflect you inner health and beauty. The work to remove your fine lines, wrinkles, and cellulite will be long lasting. When the body is state of utmost health the outward appearance of patient reflects the inner beauty that lies within all of us.
How it works.
The three main points of focus with Cosmetic Acupuncture. The first is acupuncture portion. As acupuncturists we are trained to observe and palpate the patient to determine the main sources of deficiency and excess. Once this pattern is determined point prescription made and are gently inserted into the body. Once the body is complete, the practitioner moves onto the face. Small inter-dermal needles are placed directly the fine lines and wrinkles of face reducing the appearance of aging and the ravages of time. The facial cause micro-trauma in skin, which in turn increases blood flow and the production of collagen in area. Increased collagen in face helps fill your fine lines and wrinkles and improves your appearance. The Gua Sha rubbing techniques are further erase lines and break-up the wrinkle patterns your skin.
The second portion of cosmetic acupuncture is diet and herbal prescription. Again the excess and deficiencies are determined and herbal formulations are given to the patient to improve overall health. The patient is also given advice on diet. Without the body being in good health, the cosmetic acupuncture will not hold as long, and the patient will not be as happy with the results.
The third portion of cosmetic acupuncture is patient self-care maintenance. The patient will be educated on how to exercise different facial muscles to maintain a youthful appearance and prevent muscle loss. The patient will also be instructed on how to apply different Oriental Medicine creams and salves to keep fine lines and wrinkles to a minimum. The patient will then be taught how to effectively use various acupuncture tools and techniques on their own to maintain and enhance the work done by doctor.
Who wants Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Cosmetic Acupuncture is person who wishes to experience a state of radiant health and the appearance of youth. While the results are not as dramatic as Cosmetic Surgery, are nonetheless dramatic. Unlike cosmetic surgeries the patient still maintains their individual appearance, and will not end up looking in a mirror and not be able to recognize the face looking back. Also are none of risks that are associated with major surgery. Your side effects may include minimal bruising, and redness, along with improved sleep, better digestion, and a state of general well being that comes with good health.
Why Cosmetic Acupuncture?
The best remember is Cosmetic Acupuncture is acupuncture. It can improve the health and well-being of patient receiving treatments. With Cosmetic Acupuncture the patients receives benefits of acupuncture with the bonus of maintaining more radiant and youthful appearance.
Cosmetic Acupuncture by Beauty in Wellness:
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